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The Winter Shelter - OPEN NOV 1ST TO MAR 31ST



The Winter Shelter is now closed.


Over this past winter we had 11564 referrals and provided 1143 beds for guests.


The shelter was open from Nov 1st until Mar 31st and provided meals, showers, clothing, laundry, warmth, tv, snacks, prayer if they wish and signposting to other support.

The shelter is open to guests at 8.30pm and shuts each morning at 7.30am. 


Guests must be referred through the council's  'Duty to Refer Process' with referrals received by 12pm each day

Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Services can refer guests but it needs to be done through the Duty to Refer System so that a coordinated approach to supporting guests' needs is in place. For information about referrals please email 







How to find the shelter;

Pedestrian access is off Eastgate Street.

To access the car park turn in to Wellington Street, then turn right into Hampden Way.

The entrance driveway  is just before the taxi car park






The History of the Winter Shelter


GCM first began running the City's Winter Shelter in December 2017. Until 2020 it operated out of the George Whitefield Centre and was a communal style emergency shelter with meals, showers and laundry facilities.


For the Winter 20-21 we were unable to open due to the Covid restrictions in place


In April 2021 we put in an offer on a large 26 room building to use as the shelter but also to turn into our offices and an education and training centre. Negotiations continued until the end of November when we signed a 10 year lease and had a week and a half to set up the shelter whilst building renovations continued around us.


The shelter reopened on December 1st with 12 beds in a mix of single, twin and triple bed rooms. Guests can once again come for meals, showers, clothing, laundry, warmth, tv, snacks, prayer if they wish and signposting to other support.


In 2022 the decision was made to open the shelter from November 1st to give another  month of emergency provision to those who need it.

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